Good news for whom wait for supporting of raw binary files from StLinkP.

Starting from release 0.35 you can keep your firmware in raw binary files and upload it on Stm32 CPU without converting its to Intel HEX format.

If you want select firmware in binary format then you need select desired file format at right bottom corner of OpenFileDialog activity

OpenFile ChangeFormatOpenFile Bin

On main activity you can see label that show format of current selected file.

Main BinFile



This update has been inspired by feedback from nurdin tegar


Please leave your feedback. We can make StLinkP better together)

New version of StLinkP application was published on GooglePlay

Release 0.34

Supporting of Stm32G0 series is completed by option bytes programming.

New version of StmDfuBlue application was published on GooglePlay

Release 1.04

Supporting of Stm32G0 series is added.

Alignment of firware file to 8 bytes was added for Stm32G0 and Stm32L4 series.

Application was tested on Nucleo64-G071 board.

New version of StLinkP application was published on GooglePlay

Release 0.33

Supporting of Stm32G0 series is added. Application functional for this series is restricted. Option bytes programming is not available yet.

Application is tested on Nucleo64-G071 board.